Being a blogger is so much more than a profession. It’s a religion. It’s a way of living your life. It’s a challenge for persistence, hard work and dedication. A blogger is a businessman, a marketing director, a writer, a designer, a teacher, an artist and sometimes even a programmer. This facts make this profession both ideal and worst at the same time.
But then, there’s this one moment when an email arrives to our inbox saying “Congratulations! You have earned a new commission…”. That’s the moment when we realize that our life it’s about to change. A moment that symbolizes our freedom. And from here, we learn how to scale our success to to sky. That’s why we love the lifestyle of this job.
Honestly I don’t try to turn people’s minds into doing this job is but I wrote this post for those who are wondering how to join a community that it’s growing every minute. A community that symbolizes a revolution. The system is finally down and it’s time to take advantage of it!
OK, enough with my dramatic intro, let’s talk about how to be a blogger and lay down some of the steps you should take to become a successful one.
Pick a subject that you are passionate about. Don’t worry to much about how competitive the niche is, worry about what you can do better or differently from the others.
Having your own domain with a .com or .net is crucial. Think of the domain as your brand name. You never know where you’re headed, it may one day become the name of your publishing company. Pick one that’s original and don’t worry to much about the keywords in it.
If you’re wondering where to buy the hosting and domain I encourage you to go with HostWinds. I’m using it for the last few years and it’s the best hosting decision I ever made. If you want to learn more about HostWinds you can read this HostWinds review
When buying, make sure to use the discounted link below or the coupon code, this way you save 50% of your total purchase and you get to pay way less month.
If you need other types of
Set up a WordPress installation on your domain and choose a free blog theme for now. Don’t worry too much about the design for now,
The main things you should learn once you have WordPress set up are the next:
How to publish a new post with an image
How to create new categories and pages
How to create a navigation menu
How to customize a WordPress homepage
How to remove and change the copyright info
Basic and essential plugins for WordPress
I suggest having at least 20 blog posts before you launch you site publicly even though I know you’re going to be very impatient to tell the world about your blog even before you have a single post on it. But content is everything and it’s what will make your audience engage and come back again.
Create a publishing schedule and make sure to not forget to publish. Many blogs publish a new article every day. If this works with your time schedule do the same. If not, choose to publish a new blog post at least one day a week.
Look forward on creating pillar content that solves problems related to your niche. If your posts are not of help to others why they should waste their time reading?
Having a blog it’s very easy but driving large amount of traffic to it for free it’s a whole science. In order to do that you have to start looking at your competitors. Start analyzing their traffic sources. Where their audience comes from? Does it comes from search engines? Or maybe from facebook? Maybe from links from other blogs…
The marketing philosophy you must adopt is the next: BE EVERYWHERE! Think about how people would search for things your write about and where would they start looking. Be there, in front of their faces as an option and you’ll get all the traffic you need. This is what we call SEO!
Did you know that Google has an estimate of 5 billion searches performed every day? Showing in the search results in Google for popular search quires is a stable, targeted and massive source for traffic.
This are some of the most popular traffic sources for many bloggers
1. Google, Bing, Yahoo
2. YouTube
3. Itunes (podcast)
4. Links from other blogs
5. Links from forums
6. Word to mouth
7. Facebook
8. Twitter
9. PPC ads
11. TV ads
Once you have great content and visitors coming to your site it’s time to create and develop a business around that blog. There are many ways of monetizing your blog but the most popular is by promoting products and earning a commission from every sale or by selling your own products or services. This though is a large subject to talk about and the best way to learn more about monetizing is by reading this post.
Small decisions could change your life forever. But you must be willing to take the risk! After all, what’s the worst thing could happen if you try?